Employment Services
We are here to help and offer FREE services. We have qualified, competent and friendly Employment Counsellors. Come and meet with us.
We can help you:
- Identify your skills and interests
- Establish your short and long term employment goals in order to maintain and secure employment
- Set priorities and prepare a realistic action plan
Explore Your Possibilities
Find all the information you need on:
- Careers and professions
- Local job market
- Available education and training programs
- Wage rates and salary ranges of various occupations
- Employment seeking strategies
Gain More Confidence
Plan your job search, we can help with:
- Resume and cover letter preparation
- Mock interviews
- Access to our Resource Centre
- Bulletin boards with jobs available
Obtain a Satisfying Job
Here are the free services you can benefit from:
- Access to a broad spectrum of jobs and employment/training opportunities
- Coordinate interviews with employers
- Negotiate possible on the job training wage subsidy
- Possible volunteering placements
- Information on the local labour market and trends
- On-the-job training and coaching as well as job maintenance
- Identify and overcome barriers
- Continuous support throughout the course of the job searching process
- Participate at our annual job fairs to network with employers face to face
- Job placement, job trials, on the job support if eligible
- Information on apprenticeships (e.g. Loans for tools programs, apprenticeship scholarships)
TRACKS has specialized services and programs to help you with your employment needs. Whether you are employed, unemployed, starting your career, a mature worker, looking to change careers or contemplating your next steps, TRACKS can help.
Our employment services are flexible and driven by your needs. You can choose to have TRACKS assist you with your employment goal or just use our Resource & Information Centre for unassisted support.
TRACKS can help with:
1. Planning and Coordination
Our employment counsellor’s can assess your needs and help you put a plan together so you can reach your employment goal quickly. Our councellors are experienced professionals with expertise in diverse occupational areas. We can assess your marketable skills, identify labour market opportunities and determine appropriate services and resources to move you closer to your goal.
2. Resource and Information
With a comprehensive resource centre and knowledgeable staff, TRACKS is the place to find information on:
- Local labour market, careers and occupations
- Education, training and employment opportunities
- Career planning and job search strategies
- Employment Ontario programs and services
- Community programs and services
- Programs and services that support employment
3. Job Search*
At TRACKS, we know what it takes for individuals to succeed in their job search. Factors which can affect your job search success may be unclear job goals, limited self-marketing skills, lack of training or lack of support. Here are some ways we can help:
- Explore career options
- Explore training requirements relating to your goal
- Support, mentoring and coaching during your job search process
- Orientation to workplace rules, expectations, rights and responsibilities
- Preparation of resumes, cover letters, job applications, interview and job search strategies
- Referral and access to services, education or training
4. Job Matching and Placement*
For Individuals who may have difficulties conducting their own job search,
TRACKS can help:
- Match skills and interests with work opportunities
- Facilitate work opportunities and negotiate employment relationships on behalf of clients
- Create experiential or on-the-job training opportunities
- Support clients in placements
- Access financial support
5. Job Retention
Our services extend beyond just helping you find a job. We help you succeed at work so you can maintain your employment. TRACKS offers coaching, mentoring and if required, additional supports.
*Some services are subject to eligibility and suitability.
For more information or to get started:
Call TRACKS Employment Services at (705) 444-1580 or drop by the office at 50 Hume Street in Collingwood.