Interested in training for an exciting new career?
Tracks can provide information about the services and training opportunities through the Better Jobs Ontario program. We can help you to pursue training for a new job and obtain financial support.
You may be surprised to find which new career in a high-skill occupation is currently in demand and where to go for training near you.
The objective of Better Jobs Ontario is to support laid-off, unemployed individuals who require skills training to assist them to find employment in occupations with demonstrated labour market prospects in Ontario. The ultimate goal of Better Jobs Ontario is to return individuals to employment by the most effective path.
To be eligible for Better Jobs Ontario, individuals must:
- Have been laid-off on or after January 1st 2005
- Be unemployed
- Demonstrate occupational demand for the training request with evidence of good employment prospects locally or within Ontario
To find out more and how to apply for Better Jobs Ontario, call TRACKS Employment at (705) 444-1580 or stop by our office at 50 Hume St. in Collingwood.